Being able to watch Kratt's creatures because i have a daughter.
Creating blah parties for her. Actually having any kind of party for her.
Hearing all about her day...even the minutiae, especially the minutiae.
The bursts of energy that would be enough to create electricity for a small country (say Denmark) for a year...per burst.
Seeing an event, person, view, from her perspective.
Having notes left for me in the morning or waiting for me when I came home from work. One of my favourites read - "Gramma called you a monster! and she made fun of my face, then she beat me and threw my bunny in the garbage."
Knowing what her mood was first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Having someone understand the depth of the statement "Oh, Ami, you are soooo hot."
Having someone understand the depth of the statement "Man, Eric is soooo hot."
Driving to Macs after midnight because we're both too awake to go to sleep and we need munchies to go with the movie.
Sitting in the bathroom just to talk while we take turns getting ready to go out or go to bed cause it's better than being in separate rooms.
I miss knowing that she'll be here to carve the pumpkin and roast the seeds.
There are so many things to miss and there are those things that I missed from earlier years that I continued to miss even when she still lived at home. This is being a Mother. You let go in little bits and pieces because you think that your kid is the greatest thing you know when they are 2 and when they are 5 and when they are 8 and when they are 12 and when they are 16 and when they are 21 and you hold them all in your heart like they are 21 children instead of just one. Because you had a chance to know them all and you like them all, and you miss them all. And you always will.
way to make me cry.
nice one.
i have tagged you. see my blog for details.
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